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ROZ VIEWS: NEW COURSE - Photoshop Elements, Sharing & Organizing Photographs

I received this press release earlier this morning from NAPP / The National Association of Photoshop Professionals. In my opinion, IF you use Adobe Photoshop or are interested in using Photoshop you simply MUST, you absolutely "OWE IT TO YOURSELF" to check out NAPP. I can personally tell you, had I not attended my very first live seminar in NYC -- with Scott Kelby -- I am not sure where my creative life would be right now. Until that day I did not know what creativity truly was and that I was capable of it. I was under the misconception that one had to be born with a paintbrush and sketch pad in their hands to be considered an artist. I had not yet realized that there are all types of artists, and yes... I am one... "A digital artist!" Roz Fruchtman

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEW 21-DAY ONLINE COURSE – SHARING AND ORGANIZING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHS – FOR PHOTOSHOP ELEMENTS USERS AVAILABLE Tampa, FL – Jan. 10, 2006 – Most people will agree that taking pictures with a digital camera isn’t that tough to figure out. However, getting them from the camera into a computer and sent off to everyone you want to share them with is a little more complicated. Photoshop Elements users now have a new 21-day online course – Sharing and Organizing Your Photographs featuring Matt Kloskowski – that will teach them everything they need to know for only $19.99.

Photoshop Elements users will learn about importing and tagging photos, building collections, creating slideshows, and putting together greeting cards. They’ll even learn how to back up photos to keep them safe in case they ever need to be reloaded. All this new educational material can be found at www.photoshopelementsuser.com.

“Although a few of the lessons concern features that are only available in the new Photoshop Elements 4,” said Kloskowski, “the majority of the content will apply to users of Photoshop Elements 3 as well. If you want to get organized and learn the easy ways to share your photos, you can’t miss this course.” Go to http://www.photoshopelementsuser.com to sign up today.

About Matt Kloskowski Matt Kloskowski is the Education and Curriculum Developer for the National Association of Photoshop Professionals and a regular contributor to the Photoshop Elements Techniques newsletter. In addition to his video tutorials at www.photoshopelementsuser.com, you can see Matt every week on the Photoshop TV video podcast, available for free at http://www.photoshoptv.com or in the podcast section of the iTunes Music Store.

About the Producers of Photoshop Elements Online Training Courses KW Media Group is the parent company of Photoshop Elements Techniques newsletter, Layers magazine, the National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP), Photoshop User magazine, the Adobe Photoshop Seminar Tour, Photoshop World Conference & Expo, and the corporate home of the world’s top-selling computer book author – Scott Kelby. KW Media Group is one of the largest and most respected educational and training organizations in the graphics and digital imaging industry worldwide www.kwmediagroup.com.

Media Contact:
Carmen Annillo
Managing Editor, Photoshop Elements Techniques
(813) 433-5000 x180

Posted by Roz Fruchtman / http://BlogViewsByRoz.com">BlogViewsByRoz.com

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